Thursday, October 14, 2010

Once again, sorry!

Haven't been too good at taking pics, so haven't been too good at posting!! The girls are talking like crazy and it scares me a bit when I realize I'm having a conversation with my child!! Ella is quite a messy, chatty, silly, likes to sing, loud little girl these days! Emma is very clean, tidy, wants to be mommy, bossy little one these days! Emma has quite the attitude and walks around with a little swagger to her (watch out, she's only 2!!) and Ella gets her feelings hurt pretty easy!!! I use the phrase "that's a big girl or that's not being a big girl" quite often, so Ella gets upset with me when she thinks I don't think she's a big girl!! They are big into talking about feelings (as I ask them daily if they are happy or grumpy when I pick them up) and will often just blurt out they are happy, or ask me if I'm mad when they get into trouble, or tell me the other is sad and their happy, etc!! Boy, can you tell what I do for a living!! We like to sing songs on the way home from daycare and this is the best part of the day for all of us!! Their version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is quite adorable!!

"Tinkel, tinkel, ital, ar, tinkel, tinkel, ital ar, up, up wud so high, tinkel, tinkel, ital, ar!!"

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