Monday, December 29, 2008

New tricks and new toys!!

Along with all our new toys, we have lots of new tricks too!! The girls know that hats go on their heads (they still need a little help though), they know to put a phone to their ear (ok, the back of their head works for them), and they have figured out how to climb on stuff, including stairs!!

Christmas in York

Trust me, the girls didn't go hungry this holiday season an I'm sure we'll notice the "holiday weight" when we go to our 12 month appointment next month!! Even though mom was sick for this trip, the girls and dad still got to enjoy all the food and family!!

Christmas in Sioux City

We were in Sioux City for Christmas Eve and day...the girls had fun playing with the train around the tree with Grandpa and meeting Aunt Mindy!!

Santa Claus came early!!

The girls must have been extra good this first year since Santa came to our house early since he knew we weren't going to be there on Christmas day!! The girls were spoiled by everyone!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bauerly Christmas in KC

We celebrated our first Christmas this past weekend in KC. The first pic is GG with all the great grandchildren, next is Emma then Ella on their new big girl toys, and last couple are of present opening, which of course they were showered with gifts to no surprise. And as expected, both liked the wrapping paper and ribbons the most.

New favorite thing to do!

We recently got new big girls toys which prove it's better to have two!! With these new walking toys, we use one to weigh it down so the other can push it without it going to fast. Here is Emma showing off her skills pushing Ella in a dolly stroller!! Emma has mastered this skill to where she doesn't need sissy anymore!!

11 months old

Both have 4 teeth to date (two up top, two down low), weight approx. 19-20lbs, starting to walk around furniture, using toys to walk with, say dada even when you ask them to say mama, don't like baby food now that they've had the real thing, eat pretty much anything, drink out of sippy with only two bottles a day, wear size 2 diapers, and pretty much right on with clothes size wearing 9 month clothing, prefer to eat shoes rather than wear them, enjoy screaming matches, chewing on socks, baths, books, toys with sounds, and eating, dislike waking up, being tired and hungry, being in a room alone, and sissy taking toys away.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cabo San Lucas Mexico

My surprise birthday gift to Mexico was this past week! We left on the Sunday after Thanksgiving and got back on Friday! It was a blast (a lot better than our last trip there two years ago for our honeymoon!!). We went with a couple that Travis works with and their friends!! We had a great time while the girls were in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa B. and Grandma and Grandpa Moore in Sioux City.

Thanksgiving 2008

Just a few pics from Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's. It was a busy time, saw lots of people including all three sets of grandparents in one day!!

What we do best!!

First pic, Ella doing what she does best these days, telling the world how big she is!! Her little booboo on her head is from a little accident at daycare!! Next Emma, who loves her books, especially those that are touch and feel!! Although we aren't sure where she gets this love of books from though!! And the date is wrong on all the November pics for some reason, it should be the 11th month, not 10th.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Play Time to Sleep Time

We've been battling illness for 3-4 weeks now, which limits our sleep most nights. Due to that, and cutting teeth (Em is now caught up with two teeth of her own), we are a little grouchy after dinner. This night, dad decided to put Em in the wagon and pile her up with toys. She was content. We went to eat dinner ourselves, she remained content and quiet! I went back into the living room to deal with her sister and found miss Em passed out!! Tired little girl!! Tonight, she has a 103 temp!!

What did you two do? that brand new roll of TP!! Mom went downstairs to change laundry, and this is what they decided to do to pass the time!! Now, we have a big heap of TP on the back of the toilet to use up!! Gotta be ready for anything when you visit our house!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

10 months old

Holy cow, we are 10 months old today. Since the ladies are under the weather, we actually had to go to the doc yesterday and got some accurate weights. Ella, now a full pound heavier than her sister, is 18 lbs. 13 oz. Emma, a little on the slender, tall side is 17 lbs. 12 oz. Ella has two teeth to date, with Emma working extremely hard at catching up. Ella likes to stand, pretty much at all times, can pull self up to the end tables and such and get some "treats" off the table now. She likes to yank on the TP while mom is getting ready in the morning, so if you come to use our restroom, you will most likely find the TP all crazy since I have to reroll myself. She obviously loves to eat and isn't too picky and is still the chatty cathy of the bunch. Emma is more of a picky eater, likes something one night, not the next, and how dare you try to feed her that!! She's the dancer of the family, taking after daddy. Any toy or TV show or anything goes off in music, she's a dancin!! Absolutely won't let you put your finger in her mouth to check for teeth or see if she has food in there (she likes to pretend she's a chipmunk and store food), or lay on her back to get her diaper changed or get dressed. She can pull herself to a standing position, but prefers to take in the world from her knees. Her fun, gotcha mom and dad move is to mess with the TV. They both rub their eyes when they are sleepy and throw themselves into their blankets on the floor, think it's time to eat when anyone is eating, and hate when mom is hurt in a playful manner or serious one (if Travis tackles/tickles me, they scream, and let's say if I dropped a highchair on my foot, fell to the floor in pain, they'd scream!!) Love you too girls!! I are all jealous of our life!! I would be too!!

Our next Christmas Card...

They love baths, and come a crawlin (as dad says, super crawl) to the bathroom when they hear the water turn on. Which means we have to undress them as they are standing there, eagerly anticipating their next swim! Which Emma does, she lays on her belly and literally swims around, not at all bothered by the fact that her sister is sitting their chewing on toys and willing to move for no one herself!! They are quite the duo!!

Little Red Wagon!!

Doesn't matter if we're playin around it, in it, or under it, our little red wagon is the best!! Thanks Grandma Mary!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dinner Time

We had lasagna and bananas tonight!! They both loved it!! Mom even let them feed themselves entirely!! It was bath night, why not?!?! Josie even loved tonight's dinner, wonder why?

Halloween 2008

First Halloween...the girls were Rainbow Chicks thanks to Grandma Julie!! They were very confused by these costumes!! Weren't able to get too many pics, but the girls, Katie Rector and I went to get a professional shot of them in their costumes (I'll post when I get it!). They weren't having too much fun with it! Emma wasn't feeling the greatest and Ella was just plain tired! Uncle Dan and the Rathje's stopped by to visit! Mason, the pumpkin, had the girls crawling all over him, literally!!