Saturday, April 18, 2009

Visiting with Friends

Ella and Em got to meet some friends, Roberta and Ella Strong, for the first time!! "Big" Ella was quite helpful with the little girls!!

Play Time

Cedar Falls Trip

Easter weekend, the family went on a 4 hour road trip to see Uncle Matt's confirmation in Cedar Falls. The girls (who wouldn't sleep the entire way there) watched Shrek for the first time in the car and got to go swimming at the hotel.

Egg Hunt

The girls went on their first egg hunt with the Multiples Club we belong too! They were satisfied with finding just one egg!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fun times at home

Ella is catching on to Em's tricks these days. However, she gets herself up behind the TV and is too scared to get down!! Last pic is Em giving Ella kisses (they pull each other's pants down too)!! They interact so much now. Playing and giggling is now apart of their relationship, along with the fighting. It's too cute for words! Their favorite games are chasing each other (one will crawl while the other one pushes) and the shower curtain game shown below!!

Shower Curtain Games

The girls have become fascinated with the shower curtain. We play peek-a-boo every morning as I get ready. They will sit behind it, yelling for you to "find" them!! Pretty hilarious really!!

Still working hard... the remodel project that is testing our patience. Here Travis, with the help of Emma, is putting back up our baby gate that we had to take down, along with the door jam, to get the shower downstairs (don't ask!!)!

Learning to eat with a spoon...

Emma does pretty well, Ella on the other hand, gets too excited and needs to get that food in her mouth too fast to where she loses it before getting there. Ella's in pink.