Monday, April 28, 2008

Play time with Grandma Julie

Dad went hunting this past weekend, leaving us to a girls weekend with Grandma!! Thanks grandma! The girls were a little bit not themselves as they are both not feeling well. They have runny noses and a horrible cough that keep them up (mostly Ella), decrease their appetite, and cause usually strong willed, independent children to want their mommy!!! They went to the doctor today and Ella weighed 12 lbs 1 oz. and Emma was 11 lbs 13 oz.


Sisterly Love continued...

The last pic, I sat them down together to run and get bottles...came back to the sisters united!!! Ella wouldn't let go either, even for food!!! Now that's a bond!!

Play time with grandma Mary...

Mom and Dad time....

First pic, Dad entertaining Emma at the dinner table, which we have to do most nights (and you bet we use more paper plates these days!!). Second pic, Ella and mom after baths for both us girls!! Last pic, both girls passed out on mom. It's just one of the sacrifices...that are all worth it!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baby Contest

For all you voters...we checked the the Eilers' girls are not on this weeks voting list...please stay tuned for more details and get your voting hand rested!!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Aren't we cool?

That's Emma doing her airplane impression (like her mother!!) and then Emma again not liking the shades with Aunt Carrie!!!

Can you see why we get some looks?

With the weather finally getting warm enough, we are going on nightly walks. Yes, we get quite a few looks our way, which we are getting used to. Who wouldn't take a double look? It's not like we can go unnoticed with something like that!!! And now, Josie loves having the twins in our life....she gets to go on more walks!!!

Sister to Sister

Emma is our cuddler...Ella is a bit more independent and strong willed. This day, Ella fell asleep on her belly (which they like to do) and Emma had to scoot over to touch her before she would settle down. Emma likes to be by her "big sister" which Ella doesn't seem to mind so far!!! They also scoot in their crib and are never how you laid them down when you go get them in the morning!!! AND they are sleeping through the night on a consistent and dad finally learned their routine!! They've always had it, we just figured it out I think!!!

3 months old

Holy cow, does time fly...they are three months old!!! This is actually a day early but aren't these the best??? First is Emma showing off her laid back, giggly, and very alert self these days. Next is Ella showing off her sweet cheeks and bubbly personality!!! Mom and dad had to tag team to get these pics in time to catch these giggles!!! I'm still working on catching them on video!!! They are out of newborn clothing now and starting to be a bit more stylish in their 3-6 month gear!! They are very aware of their environment now and will follow mom's voice around the room. They talk back a bit too!!!

"No, I'm not a boy..."

After finding out we were pregnant, for Father's Day, I got Travis a Bears thought we should put it on the girls before they got too big (because let me tell you they are growing like weeds!!). Ella was the lucky one to wear it this day to go watch Aunt Kelsey play volleyball. We received many comments that we had boy/girl twins!!! They quickly apologized when finding out she was a girl, but I had to admit I was the one who dressed my daughter like a boy!! Sorry Ella!!! I blame it on dad too!!! The third pic is another one with the girls watching TV. They were both pretty fussy, so I laid them down and they both turned their heads and sat watching the TV for a good 10 minutes or so!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

First Professional Shots!!

The first pic is Emma, then Ella (the photos with the hoodies were taken at 4 weeks old, the rest are 9 weeks), Ella has the thicker stripes, and then the whole family. The last 2 individual shots and the Sisterhood pic at the top of the blog have been entered into B107.3's Baby Idol Contest...go to their website ( and vote for the Eilers' girls starting April 21st!!!!

New Friends

Emma and Ella went to play with their new friends Shane and Kate Ellis on Friday night!! By the looks of it, they were all up to no good.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our new thing....

...we like to lay on our tummy's on the couch's very relaxing!!!! It's Ella, Emma, Emma, Ella!! Look how strong she is!!! That's my girl!!!

More family firsts...

The girls meet more family...first pic, our four generations picture, then great Aunt Mike, then great Uncle Scott!! (They're already learning "Uncle Scott's a big dummy!!!)

We love bath time...

Emma first...The girls are starting to like bath time a bit more. Dad let's them sink deeper in the water now and they love to kick their feet!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008