Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Too much to do...."

Ella spent a good 15 minutes bouncing from one area to the next...Just too much to do!!! And then, here's a pic of Emma, who likes to watch her sister do things, waiting for her turn.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's happening all too quickly!!

The time has come to "upgrade" their room to double cribs. Despite much sadness on my part, it had to happen. Why you ask? Emma...the girl has learned to roll over and just can't stop!!! We had many a nights where I'd awake to Ella screaming, walk in, and find Emma rolled up on top of her, looking at her like "What's the problem here." Ella got the new crib (THANKS GENA!!) because she sleeps on the left side, and Emma stays put in the old crib. They seem to be adjusting ok, Ella of course is in heaven I think!!! Emma still wakes, rolled over, hitting her head on the side of the crib, and crying for comfort from someone!! They are getting too big!!!

We love the camera!!

Trust me, I've tried to obtain different footage of the girls doing their "twin sisterly love thing" (as well as rolling over, etc.) for weeks, but as soon as they see the camera, they freeze to watch it. It's my mission!!! Emma in pink, Ella in blue.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer time fun with Aunt Carrie

Aunt Carrie came over today and we got our froggy pool out for the first time. The girls loved it. They just layed back and played with their water toys. Emma is the longer, thiner one, Ella's showing you how she can sit by herself, then Emma is showing how she lays in the sun (even with a saggy wet swimmer diaper!!).

"Nuh-eh Mommy, we're HALF!!!

We are 6 months old, or "half" as daddy likes to say!! Ella: 15 lbs. 2 oz. (25-50%) and 26 in (50-75%), Emma: 14 lbs. 11 oz. (25%) and 26 in (50-75%). Doc says she couldn't be happier with their growth and development. They are rolling over, Ella even rolled from back to tummy a couple times today, Emma is VERY close behind. They are eating 4 bottles a day, cereal, and fruits. I'm sure next week we will start veggies. Emma will open her mouth for you to put the spoon in then pushes it right out, but eats well if you give her the same bite 3 times, Ella just sucks it off the spoon and doesn't like cereal too much. Emma likes to eat any tag she can find on anything, play with her feet, play peek-a-boo, and suck her thumb. Ella likes to put anything to her mouth, she isn't picky, roll over, play on the floor with her toys, smile, and talk (she's our talker!!). Top two pics, Emma on the left, Ella is in the green outfit with the ladybug for final two pics.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Night with Grandma and Grandpa Moore

(No, I don't know why these pics are smaller!! Don't worry, it's not your computer!) Grandma and Grandpa Moore had the girls on 4th of July night so mom and dad could have a break. Aunt Michelle got to meet them for the first time. Uncle Eric and Cousin Ethan got some snapshots with each. The last pic is a classic really...they always hold hands when laying next to each other. In their crib, which we are in the process of getting another one, they always like to have something touching, mostly their feet!!

Everyday shots around the house

Dad got their big girl stroller out and took them for a walk while mom took some time for herself while not feeling so hot!!

This is what I walk in to when the girls are waking up from their afternoon naps. Priceless!!

Ella, stilling waking up
from her nap.

Emma, in a good mood after her nap.

1st 4th of July

Sitting by the pool on 4th of July

The girls "sunbathing" at Grandma and Grandpa B's. Their friend for the day, a friend of grandpa's granddaughter, Brooklyn.

Swimming for the first time...the girls did great. Mom had Emma who didn't cry at all, but mom was a little more cautious. Dad of course had Ella, who is a little more of a dare devil!! They did a great job and seemed to like it a lot!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sick Little One

Ella isn't feeling so hot these days. Saturday, took her to the doc, we came home with breathing treatments (last pic is of her getting this done with her dinosaur mask...she goes into a little trance). Life didn't get any easier, so we went back to the doc yesterday morning, came home with a steroid and antibiotic due to her lungs not clearing up and ear infection. It was mom's turn today to visit the doc, came home with an antibiotic for a sinus infection and double ear infection!! We make quite the pair. Wednesdays I usually have the girls at daycare to give me a break, but today Ella stayed home with mom. Emma is a trooper through this whole thing, not only is she fighting off all the germs, she has been very patient with us!! Today marks the first day the girls were apart from one another!! It just wasn't the same!!

"Daddy, you're silly!!"

Mini Ditka

Do I need to say anything else?