Monday, March 22, 2010

Ella and Boo Boo Bear!!

We had an injury in our outdoor adventures tonight!! Ella fell off her truck and "forgot" to put her hands out to protect her noggin!! Nothing a kiss from boo boo bear can't fix!!

Action Shots

Not to say we are parents of the year here, but hey, we are desperate to be outside for longer than one consecutive day!! So, our living room as for sure become the play ground!! Here the girls (Em in her tutu of course) are jumping off the top of the couch and Ella is being thrown by dad in the other shot!! Obviously, I didn't have the camera set on my "action" setting!!

Emma's Mission

It has become Emma's personal mission to pick up ALL sticks, twigs, bark pieces, etc. in ALL yards!! She takes this job very seriously and is entertained for hours! (It takes that long when your sister comes and throws the sticks all around again!!). Not sure if we will be having a bonfire or what?? It's pretty cute really!!

They are on to us!!

We have figured out a trick (well, dad did) to get the girls to lay down for naps, and now have to use it for bed time with it being lighter out. We lay down by the door and look under the door to see their little feet hit the floor, at which point we say "get to bed!!" and they scramble back to their beds. Well, who's fooling who??

Bath Time Now!

At two, they are starting to like getting their heads wet and lay down in the tub now. They will also take the bucket and dump it over their heads, as well as use the back of the tub as a slide!!

Random Shots

Monday, March 15, 2010


Ok, I will confess, we haven't been doing a great job at getting pictures these days, so posts have slowed down due to that, but also because these ladies absolutely exhaust me!!! So, I'll give you a boring written update!

I've been blessed with great sleepers still. Even with their big girl beds, they go to sleep around 7 or 7:30, after having their 15 minutes of chill/reading/play time before lights out!! They are getting up around 7ish, at which time we all converge to the couch to watch some cartoons before mom wakes up enough to get breakfast.

Things they love: doing everything on their own, Dora, brushing teeth, naked time (they, mostly Emma, will not leave their clothes on now that they have figured out how to take it all off), dancing, helping mom in the kitchen, playing with Josie, baths, kissing boo boos, Emma and her tea party's, Ella and her potty time (seriously 15 times in two hours, I go with it at this point!!), jumping on their beds, Ella closing doors, Emma wearing her tutu (pretty much non-stop at home), and answering the phone.

Things they hate: when we don't have time for them to buckle themselves into their car seats, when they can't have a bite of whatever anyone is eating, Emma doesn't like it when Ella acts like mom and tells her she can't do something (for ex. Ella pointing to Emma's hand showing me she has marker on her hand, when Ella had the same thing and I was asking Ella why she had marker on her hand!!), and when mom or dad leave and they can't come.

My favorites of late: getting them up from nap only to find that Emma went big potty and tried to "change her own diaper" (I spent the next 20 minutes scrubbing the floor and washing every single blanket, pillow, sheet and animal in their room!!), saying "good night Ella" and hearing "Night, night mommy!" or "Bye bye mommy!", watching Emma "shake it" or her having her little tea party and feeding her baby, Ella's facial expressions which are more mature than should be for her age, hearing them sing songs, and hearing their adorable giggle when they play together!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Christmas in March???

Cousin Lisa (and daycare Lisa) brought the girls and our Christmas gifts from Grandma Eilers and G Aunt Joyce and Rob (we forgive you Lisa for being a tad late in the delivery!!). Thanks for the gifts!! We are loving the gloves and night light buddies!!!

York Bowl-a-ram-a-thon!

The girls got to stay with grandma and grandpa while mom, dad, and Aunt Carrie went bowling in York. The girls believe it's very important to keep your skin hydrated during the winter months and found it important (and fun) to put lotion on everyone before we left!!

Silly Girls!!